Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TDP Route Changes Now Start April 4

Port Authority has pushed back the date it will make the first round of route changes as developed through the Transit Development Plan.
The changes initially scheduled to start on Sunday, March 14, will be made three weeks later, starting Sunday, April 4.
Essentially, the move will give riders a few extra weeks to become more familiar with the coming changes. Remember, we're not changing every route on April 4 - these will come in phases over the next couple of years.
More details about the changes, including maps, are available on the Port Authority Web site.
Starting in mid-February, the site will be updated with valuable information about the April 4 changes. Riders may use a route conversion tool along with an interactive map. We'll be sure to announce the release of this information here, on our Twitter site and at portauthority.org.
We decided to push the date back due to an issue experienced as our operators were selecting route assignments. This process occurs about four times a year. The problem resulted in some operators receiving incorrect assignment information and created the potential for service difficulties.
Port Authority, after discussing the matter internally and consulting union officials, felt the best decision for our employees and riders was to correct the problem and allow operators to select assignments again.
We apologize for any inconvenience. However, we sincerely hope you take the extra time to read more about the upcoming changes, check back in mid-February for more detailed information, and sign up today to receive an email notification of upcoming route changes.
If you have specific TDP-related questions, please use this form and a member of our staff will contact you.


  1. Please restore the document that shows proposed service spans and frequencies for Saturday/Sunday service under the TDP. It used to be on your site; now it's gone.

  2. We took that document down because a few further adjustments are being made and it is no longer fully accurate. Updated route-by-route information on span of service and frequencies will be available once timetables are finished and posted online several weeks ahead of the April 4 change.

  3. Would you happen to have a rough idea of when the Rapid Bus service will take place?

  4. RapidBus service will be instituted in phases, depending on funding received. Aspects such as routing and stop spacing are likely to take place first, whereas larger investments like dedicated stations, real-time displays and traffic priority measures will happen as funding becomes available.
